Student Spotlight

Xiao Liang

I received my Masters degree from University of Washington, Tacoma in Computer Science and Systems. I have been working on human gene network inference. Now I am more involved in metagenomic... Read More

Nastaran Alinezhad

Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
  • Program: Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
  • College: Engineering
  • Year Recruited: 2016
  • Advisor(s): Rafael Davalos, Scott Verbridge


Nastaran received her masters degree in chemical engineering from Michigan Tech, where she worked on drug and gene delivery for cancer therapy. At Virginia Tech, she is co-advised by Dr. Davalos and Dr. Verbridge. Nastaran is currently working on determining dielectric properties of tumor subpopulations using a microfluidics platform.

Nastaran enjoys outdoor activities including camping, skiing, and kayaking.