alumni Spotlight

Lucas Vu

Lucas received his BSE in Chemical Engineering from Arizona State University in 2010. He went on to pursue a MS in Chemical Engineering at Arizona State University and completed it in 2011... Read More

Ahsanur Rahman

Computer Science
  • Program: Computer Science
  • College: Engineering
  • Degree Received: Ph.D.
  • Personal Webpage:
  • Year Recruited: 2010
  • Year Graduated: 2015
  • Advisor(s): T. M. Murali
  • Thesis Title: Unstable Communities in Network Ensembles


Ahsanur Rahman received his B.S. degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) in 2008 and the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech in 2015. His interests lie in computational systems biology, graph theory, hypergraphs, and data mining. In his doctoral research, which he performed under the guidance of T. M. Murali, he developed the novel concept of unstable communities. He proposed ways to define this concept and to compute unstable communities in large graphs ensembles that are prevalent in social networks and computational biology. He received the Best Paper Award at the ACM conference in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (ACM BCB) in 2012 and was mentioned in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges for his contribution to the Virginia Tech community in 2013.

Ahsanur has served in different roles in several student organizations in Virginia Tech, such as the Academic Excellence Leadership (AEL) honor society, the Association of Bangladeshi Students (ABS), the Computer Science Graduate Council, the Graduate Student Assembly (GSA), the Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) honor society, and the Islamic Student Assembly (ISA).

Areas of Research

  • Graph mining
  • Computational biology